Walk Your Dog Month: How To Exercise Your Elderly Pet
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Walk Your Dog Month: How To Exercise Your Elderly Pet

As January marks ‘Walk Your Dog Month’, it's important to recognise that our ageing furry companions require specialised care, especially when it comes to walking and exercise. Just like humans, elderly dogs benefit greatly from staying active, albeit with adjustments suited to their age and physical condition. Here's a guide for pet owners on how to exercise their elderly dogs effectively and safely during this celebratory month.

1. Understand Your Dog's Limitations:

Before diving into an exercise routine, it's crucial to understand your elderly dog's limitations. Factors like arthritis, reduced mobility, or specific health conditions may affect their ability to exercise. Consult your veterinarian to determine the most suitable activities for your pet.

2. Gentle Walks and Shorter Sessions:

Elderly dogs may not have the stamina they once had. Opt for gentle walks instead of vigorous activities. Shorter, more frequent walks throughout the day can be less strenuous while still providing necessary movement.

3. Low-Impact Exercises:

Consider low-impact exercises that are easy on their joints. Swimming, for instance, is an excellent full-body workout that's gentle on ageing bones and muscles. Additionally, slow-paced fetch or gentle games can keep them engaged without causing strain.

4. Adjust the Environment:

Create a safe environment at home for exercise. Use ramps or steps to help them navigate inclines or stairs more comfortably. Also, ensure that their walking surfaces are slip-proof to prevent accidents.

5. Mental Stimulation:

Engage your elderly dog mentally. Puzzle toys, scent games, or simple obedience training not only provide mental stimulation but also offer a subtle form of exercise that suits their pace.

6. Consider Senior Dog Classes or Therapy:

Explore specialised classes or therapy designed for senior dogs. These may include activities like canine massage, hydrotherapy, or stretching exercises tailored for elderly canines, aiding in their flexibility and overall well-being.

7. Regular Vet Check-Ups:

Schedule regular check-ups with your veterinarian to monitor your elderly dog's health and adjust their exercise regimen as needed. Your vet can provide valuable advice on managing any age-related issues.

8. Watch for Signs of Discomfort:

Pay close attention to your dog's behaviour during exercise. If they show signs of discomfort such as limping, excessive panting, or reluctance to continue, stop immediately and consult your vet.

9. Diet and Hydration:

Maintain a balanced diet suitable for their age and activity level. Adequate hydration is crucial, especially during exercise. Ensure they have access to clean water at all times.

10. Rest and Recovery:

Allow ample time for rest and recovery between exercise sessions. Elderly dogs may require more downtime to recuperate, so ensure they have a cosy and comfortable place to relax.

11. Tailor Activities to Individual Needs:

Every elderly dog is different, so tailor activities to suit your pet's individual needs. Observe what they enjoy and what suits them best, adjusting activities accordingly.

12. Bonding Time:

Use exercise as an opportunity for quality bonding time. Gentle walks or relaxed activities can strengthen the bond between you and your ageing pet, providing both physical and emotional benefits.


As we celebrate ‘Walk Your Dog Month,’ let's remember that exercising elderly pets requires a thoughtful and tailored approach. By understanding their limitations, choosing suitable activities, and prioritising their comfort and well-being, pet owners can ensure their ageing dogs stay healthy, happy, and engaged.

Your elderly dog's exercise routine may need adjustments over time, so always remain attentive to their changing needs. Together, let's make this month a celebration of tailored exercise and cherished moments with our beloved senior furry companions.

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